1.a teacher at a U.S. college or university who has the highest status and has the right to keep their job as long as they want. An associate professor has a lower rank than a full professor, and an assistant professor has a lower rank than an associate professor.
1.The normal teaching load of a full professor is eight hours a week.
2.An assistant professor who receives tenia receives tenure becomes an associate professor and may later be appointed of a full professor.
3.Bing Wang , Director, Research Center for Intellectual Property, Full Professor , School of Law , Tsinghua University, Beijing, China .
4.An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes an associate professor. An associate professor may later be appointed a full professor.
5.An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes an associate professor and may later be appointed a full professor.
6.Baird urged him not to waste his intellect on petty state politics but to join the University of Chicago law faculty as a full professor.
7.An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes ansociateassociate professor and may later be appointed a full professor.
8.AndanAn assistant professor who receives tenure becomes anassociatedassociate professor and may later be appointed a full professor.
9.He worked in Bell Laboratories and served as full professor of Columbia University.
10.He rose rapidly to become a full professor of molecular biology.